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    Posted in: Global Health

    The Fetal Medicine Foundation had been supporting continuous education with weekly online meetings in English, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese. There have been 10 such successful webinars with presentations from leading international experts that were ...

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    Posted in: COVID-19 Updates

    Join us Thursday, July 30 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (ET), for a FREE webinar, "COVID-19 Webinar Series: Community Practice Considerations."  Reserve your seat today to hear from renowned experts Drs. Amber Samuel, Tom Lee, Vineet Shrivastava, Riz Fareeduddin, ...

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    This is a friendly reminder to renew your annual SMFM membership  to continue to receive your benefits including: free monthly webinars, print and online editions of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , access to SMFM Online Communities ...

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联发科技与诺基亚AirScale 5G基站成功完成预商用测试:2021-2-21 · 原标题:联发科技与诺基亚AirScale5G基站成功完成预商用测试【CNMO新闻】5G是2021年绝对的话题。就在5G网络预商用的这一年,各种有关5G网络的部署都在不断进行。日前,联发科技公开宣布,其5G调制解调器芯片HelioM70完成和诺基亚AirScale5G基站

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    NIH Reproductive Scientist Development Program

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    国内5G应用探索加速 毫米波仍等待商用_中证网:2021-3-20 · 因此5G毫米波被定位为高价值热点区域的覆盖解决方案,作为Sub-6GHz 广覆盖网络的补充。 而一开始就选用毫米波的美国,如今也开始着手Sub-6GHz的布局。
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    Lancet Global Health estimates of indirect child/maternal ...

    Posted in: Global Health

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